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Burton City Cider Raspberry Apple - 500 ml Btl

5 units available online.
Product description

General Information

Burton City Ciders are dry ciders made from pure juice, no sugar, sulfites or water added and Cider is Naturally Gluten Free. Blending the apples is the secret to a great cider and at Burton City Cider they are always working to find that perfect blend. They have found a few! Just as wine changes with the grapes each year, apples and cider do too. The fun is finding flavour combos that makes cider a drink for any occasion. A good cider is a blend of science and the fine art of the right ingredients and time. A great cider takes the time it takes!

A crisp dry apple cider with a splash of fresh Raspberry juice for a lite pink and slightly fruity flavour to their Burton City Ciders.