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The Prisoner Wine Co. 'Prisoner Red Blend' 2019 - 1.5 Litre Bottle

1 unit available online.
Product description

Could The Prisoner Red Blend be in the proverbial "sweet" spot? Since its arrival into the marketplace in 2000, this wine became an instant star, albeit controversial in some of the wine world because of its perceived sweetness. Many of my closest wine pals also decried that the wine was too extracted. While the wine flirts a bit beyond the standard threshold residual sugar level, this wine is pretty tasty and dry in a New World way. The 2019 vintage is the wine's best effort to date, and it signals its long journey to become a wine that everyone can wrap their palate around.

This wine brings the force of bold, black fruit, savoury spices, and oak onto the palate. Pair it with grilled baby back ribs.