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(Includes 4 units $3.93 each)
Foehn winds, or in German, Fohn, is a warm, dry, gusty wind that periodically descends the leeward slopes of nearly all mountains and mountain ranges. In Southwest Alberta, we call a Fohn a Chinook!
While studying for the Certified Cicerone exam, the Munich Helles was a beer style that stood out as a favourite. A trip to Munich, Germany, reaffirmed our love for this beer style.
We used all Alberta malt from our friends at Canada Malting and Red Shed Malting for the malty backbone of this tasty German Helles-style lager. A late addition of German Hersbrucker provides the subtle spicy, floral, fruity hop character. The German yeast contributes to the clean fermentation profile and the haze in the beer.
Our Helles is unfiltered, medium-bodied, and has a clean, smooth, mildly grainy-sweet malty flavour and a soft, low bitterness finish. Because the Helles is such an enjoyable and refreshing beer, it will quickly become your everyday go-to brew.